Jack Coulloupas : 0414 976 283

Office : 03 9778 9555


Please complete the following online enrolment  form in fullIf you have any questions please contact our customer service staff on :
Email: jack@ivet.vic.edu.au
Mobile: 0414 976283
Phone: 03 9778 9555

Step 1: Indentification Form

    Please upload one form of your Identification - Drivers license ( Front & Back ), Passport, Medicare Card, Student ID, Learners Permit - jpg, pdf, png file 4MB or less ( staff will need to sight your ID )

    Step 2 : Enrolment Form

    Course Selection *

    Course Delivery Mode *

    Your Title *

    Indigenous Status ( if applies to you )

    Have you completed a course with IVET previously? *

    A USI is required, ( Unique Student Identifier ) If you do not have a USI or cannot remember your USI please go to below link

    Your employment status

    Disability Status, Do you consider that you have a disability, impairment / long term condition that my affect your participation in the course?

    How did you hear about us?

    If yes, disability, impairment or long term condition

    Do you require language & literacy support?

    Are you an Australian Citizen?

    is English your first language?

    Education - what is the highest level of education completed?

    Training - have you completed any other courses / qualifications

    Qualification level

    Reason for study, which of the following statements best describes your reason for enrolling in this course